Call 1st All Around if you require complete asbestos service. We have the expertise, experience to provide a complete service. We can manage your asbestos for you from inspection and surveying, sampling, removal, to re-inspection and risk assessments.
Since most asbestos abatement is regulated by the federal (EPA) and state (IDPH) Laws and Regulations it is important for you to pick the experienced and licensed contractor to do the abatement / inspection job.

How do I know if there may be asbestos in my home?
MOST Important question you can ask yourself is:
“Is your house/property build before 1978?”
No? You most probably have nothing to worry about.
Yes? You might be exposed to building materials, which contain ASBESTOS
Why 1978 is such an important year?
In 1978 EPA banned production of building materials, which contain asbestos.
What is asbestos and what products may contain it?
Asbestos is a name of six naturally occurring silicate minerals, which were widely used in a construction industry in a variety of products, which include but are not limited to:
- Wall and Attic insulation
- Vinyl floor tiles and the backing on vinyl sheet flooring
- Adhesives and glues used in installation of floor tiles
- Roofing shingles
- Cement like wall siding
- Textured paint ( Popcorn Finish )
- Patching compounds used on walls and ceilings
- Walls and floors in HVAC/ High heat- flammability areas of the were protected with asbestos
- paper, millboard, or cement sheets
- Pipe insulation covered with an asbestos blanket or tape
- Thermal System Insulation on hot water pipes and boilers
- Boiler /furnaces and door gaskets
- Fire and Heat-resistant fabrics
- Automobile clutches and brakes
Why is asbestos so dangerous?
Asbestos is a known Carcinogen which when enters human body can cause asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma.
You have more asbestos questions?
Check out the links below. But if you still have more questions just give us a call at 773-986-8725.
If you are not sure if any of the materials in your building contain asbestos than call us at 773-986-8725 and have our licensed inspector assess the areas and collect samples for a scientific laboratory analysis.
For more information on Asbestos check out EPA’s web site
Call us at 773-986-8725 to make an appointment for a free consultation.