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What asbestos??? I am demoing this building!!  Everything will be gone and hauled away!! I do not need an asbestos inspection, all this demo debris will be gone in a matter of few hours!! Yep I had few of those project too… especially in Cook County where it is required to perform Asbestos Inspection prior to building demolition!! You can imagine how intrigued the contractor was when Cook County Inspector Showed up at the demo site asked few questions took few samples from the razzed site and few days later came back and closed down the work-site  Why? Well the samples he collected came back positive for presence of asbestos, and as an outcome of this Inspector rightfully stated that soil on this parcel is contaminated with Asbestos.

………. Let the soil removal ( Removal of at least 6 inches of topsoil ) and cleanup begin !! At rate of $900 for an asbestos debris dumpster ( Soil contaminated with asbestos must be treated as Asbestos Containing Material ) $20,000 got racked up pretty quickly!! And I do need to add that most of the time inspector representing the agency was on location when environmental cleanup was being performed, that did not lower the cleanup price either.

All of this happened because building that was demoed had maybe couple hundred square feet of Asbestos Containing Floor Tile or VAT. All those unnecessary cost could be avoided with an Asbestos Inspection and professional abatement of any discovered ACM ( Asbestos Containing Material ).